Saturday, October 06, 2007


Movies that I want to watch, but have no time for, and no one to watch with:

Resident Evil: Extinction
Shoot 'em up
Balls of Fury
Mr Woodcock

IF I do manage to watch all of them, I would be broke too, so that's another reason why I haven't been able to.


Anonymous said...

I see you have good taste in films.


Anonymous said...

lol really? i thought most people would think these are pretty brainless shows. haha.

Anonymous said...

what most people think doesn't make it true that those are pretty brainless shows. and even if they are right, it doesn't imply that you have bad taste in films.

i'm particularly in favour of "Mr Woodcock" and "Balls of Fury". go for it, i say! it should be good, esp. if you munch popcorn loudly and leave your handphone switched on for those very important phone calls.

Anonymous said...

btw clement, regarding the blog thing, i followed your suggestion and got meself a blog! but how to modify a template so as to change the width of the main text? thx in advance.

Anonymous said...

It depends on which blog host you are working with. Some are pretty user friendly, easily customizable, while some are fully coding based. I suggest you look at the Settings page of the blog host, and see if there is any option for adjusting the breadth of the main body.

If it doesn't have that option, you may have to hard code it, and it wouldn't be easy to teach you how here. I would be glad to help you whenever you see me in the graduate room however.

Anonymous said...

yo, thanks for the suggestions. sounds complicated, guess i should try out "options" first. i tells ya, i can't seem to access the coding space. then again, i can't even handle a user-friendly ivle... also not sure what's the difference between width and breadth? yup, could def. use some help, shall try to first drag myself out of bed at some point... talk to you soon