Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The shame

We bow our heads low
hunching our shoulders
against the tedium of the world.

It's everywhere we go;
Everyone keeping their eyes down
like some meek animal
who could only see the ground.

Apologizing for the wrongs we have done,
in shame for what others have done;
we are responsible for the times,
So we keep our heads down.

Burying our faces in the papers,
or in some lousy books;
we can't face the world,
for fear of the world.

And the world doesn't look back at us,
for the world is looking down,
in shame of what you have done,
and what you have not.

It's like we are pulling a cart behind us,
full of manure and smelly stuff,
only by looking forward and down
can we heave the load along
never looking back;
and please, don't look up
for whatever reasons there are.

We are responsible for the times,
and hence we repay in shame.
We are the ostrich,
burying our heads with our necks,
with all our heart,
that shame is the acceptable stance.

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