Sunday, July 06, 2008

Sports injuries

Newly acquired:

1. Left jaw. Got punched in the jaw today in exchange for a punch in the chest. Not a particularly clever exchange.

2. Left knee. Not sure if injured from too much karate or gym.

Old, and healing injuries:

3. Right index finger. Injured while blocking a kick.

4. Right pinky. Injured when my fist and my opponent's fist meet.

Old, and not healing well injuries:

5. Right thumb. Injured while doing finger push-ups for fun. Constantly aggravated while punching.

6. Right big toe. Injured from slipping on opponent's sweat. Really evil, that.

Assorted injuries:

7. There was a bruise on my chest from being repeatedly slammed by a japanese sensei. It's gone now.

8. Abrasions and blisters everywhere on my feet.

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