Saturday, December 19, 2009

Is life a trial?

It either started with Sophie (Mel's doggie) getting skin problems, or me getting rejected by ANU for my PhD application. After that, it's just one problem after the other.

Monash rejected my application as well soon after, and within a week, the uni reverted on the status of my MA thesis: major amendments required before further examination. And when just when I thought things cannot possibly be worse, Edward (our cat) developed some eye problem. One of his third eyelids is out, and he looks pained by the light. He also failed to pee and poo for a day, and was feeling a little feverish.

We brought him to the vet the first thing in the morning, since it was night time when we discovered his ailments. The vet surprisingly diagnosed the eye problem as nothing serious, just a little infection. The trouble is with not peeing. Apparently his bladder is full, but he is unable to pee. That might mean he has crystals in his urinary tract, or the tract is inflamed, or some serious problems. If he continues to be unable to pee, he will die in a few days.

That's not it. The vet also found a small lump on his belly. And apparently his sagging belly is slightly too big to be normal as well.

The vet wanted to hospitalize him for 3 days. But I have heard horror stories about mt pleasant, so I decided not. They gave him a jab to ease the inflammation, if it is one, and told me to monitor the situation. I decided that if he still doesn't pee soon, I will bring him to another clinic to be hospitalized.

Thankfully he did, and has been peeing (seemingly) normally now. Because I wasn't there at the clinic in person, I called back to speak to the vet. I needed to know where the lump is in order to monitor it. The vet was off duty by the time I called, but the clinic promised that they will get her to call me back. She didn't though.

I'm going to call them tmr, and get the location of the lump, and after that, switch vet.

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