Sunday, April 09, 2006


I would like to propose a new term, a new acronym actually.

Ool - standing for Out of Love. (NOT "out of luck", mind!)

You pronounce it like ooooohh, as in the "oooohh" in "ooooh ahhh". You frequently hear me saying that (if you never heard it before, ask me for a demonstration).

This term would apply to a lot of people, including, and not limited to:
people who have a queue number (you can get a queue number anytime you approach those super chio girls),
those who are in the waiting-lists,
those who are in the waiting-lists for the waiting-lists,
those who are freshly rejected,
those who are rejected-10years-ago-yet-feeling-it-like-yesterday,
those who are secretly in love with someone but no-money-to-buy-a-rose,
those who are secretly in love with someone but-humchee
those who just broke up,
those who broke-up-to-get-into-the-Ool-club,
those who are broken-up,
those who refuse to get into a relationship,
those who couldnt get into any relationship,
those who try to get into a relationship with trees, dogs, cats, stones etc.,
and so on...

Basically everyone who doesnt have a boyfriend/girlfriend gets included. (hey I just realised something: why issit called "boyfriend/girlfriend"? When we get older, dont we have "manfriend/womanfriend"? weird.)

This is a uber cool term - Ool. (Cool enough to make those people who are in relationships so jealous that they will kill to get out of it, and adopt the name Ool.)

Whats the point of this term you ask. Well... of cos there is a point, let me think about it, and I'll tell you when I remember the point. heh.

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