Friday, July 07, 2006

My job

Almost the last few days I will be working at this company, so I'm going to do a review of what I have been up to there. This goes back to a few weeks ago when a classmate of mine called me to offer me this "office job". What do I do there? "Writing checks mostly." Well, that sounded pretty easy, so I took it up there and then.

Day one reporting at the workplace in jurong west, which is pretty darn near my house, just half an hour away. Stepped into the office, and was immediately ushered into a smaller office room.

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The only office room in the whole office.

I was told that is to be my seat, and I just have to wait a little while for them to come tell me what to do. As I sat there alone, in the room all to myself, looking out at the busy staff running about outside my office, all having a tiny desk to themselves with not even a visible partition anywhere, it dawned onto me suddenly exactly what kind of job I was hired into.

The Managing Director of this local branch of the International human resource agency Ade*co.

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There can be no mistake about this: I have the only room in the whole office, and I am to write checks for my employees. This is a fabulous job for an undergraduate, even if its a temporary job!

A few days passed, and I settled nicely into the job of TMD (Temporary Managing Director, not tamade) of Ade*co. I should explain my job scope in more details: since this is no ordinary organisation, being a human resource agency and all, the admin staff all handle human resource instead of paperwork, and naturally the MD will have to handle the paperwork instead of human resource as is the norm.

So everyday, this MD shreds the papers which need shredding,

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photostat the papers which need photostating,
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chop my approval on documents which need chopping,

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hold numerous meetings with my staff about increasing productivity in the office,
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(my staff)

and write checks for the thousand over employees working under me (I really do write the checks! I just do not sign them. My manager does that instead. My signature is ugly anyway. lol)

Because my office is situated nicely beside the door,

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it seems that it is ideal for checking on staff who are late for work, or leaving too early before dismissal. And because it is a human resource agency, there are frequently strangers coming into the office for god knows what reason. And the minute they stepped into the office, to the right, they can see the open door to my very own office, and a suave and very capable-looking Managing Director looking at them straight in the eye, while busy shredding papers.

It gives them the shivers I know; I have that effect, not only on girls.

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