Saturday, May 06, 2006


Sometimes when I listen to a piece of music, or a song, particularly sad ones, I get this urge to learn to play the musical instrument, or any other similar instrument for that matter.

Particularly the melodies, a pull of the violin, a draw on the saxophone, seem to be conveying some pure emotions; a feeling that is not properly embodied by the mind, never properly expressible in words; a sound that tugs at something unknown within you, as though it is the raw voice of it incarnate. A wordless, indescribable sadness incarnate.

Only that it isnt played by me; it might have been a raw emotion, but it is a raw emotion of somebody else's. It may not even have been true feeling, but something like a neighbour to it; something like speaking to a French, but French not being your native tongue; your speech is comprehensible to the French, but it isnt the real thing.

Thats why I long to be able to play an instrument, any instrument. Or at least, be able to sing - that at least, would express something, even if it's overshadowed by the words. Even without words, or better off because of without, there are sounds that can only properly express that which is within you- that which maybe even you wouldnt understand it yourself.

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