Friday, May 19, 2006

the movies

Most people do not believe in movies or dramas. Not in the sense of doubting their existence, but disbelieving that so many dramatic incidents could happen to a person in so short a time period. In movies and drama, an ordinary person is turned into emotional freak who always has lots of interesting stuff happening to him/her.

Not that the interesting things couldnt have happened in reality, but after a while you will start doubting if a single person could ever have that much interesting stuff all happening to him. It is almost like a tap of the fairy's wand - and hey presto, I am in movie, and therefore I know interesting things will happen to me.

But most people lead ordinary lives, very unlike the movies or tv dramas, different in degree if not in kind. Sometimes we may even wish for more interesting things would happen to us, like a sudden lottery strike, or discovering a long lost twin.

However, unbeknownst to many, there is one aspect of our lives that is just like the movies, sometimes just as dramatic if not more so, and it is this one aspect of our lives that we wish would be more ordinary. Yet ordinary not in the sense of being not-interesting; for to be bored in this aspect of life would be serious indeed.

For some people, this aspect have all the intrigues of the movies and dramas put together, and more; you have people plotting behind your back, random gossips and chance coincidences conspiring against you, unfortunate mistakes and the grossest slips of tongue leading to unimaginable troubles and misunderstandings, and maybe even a grand conspiracy theory working in the background.

Friends turn to foes, and the next corner you turn may be the last step you ever take; smiling strangers stab you when you turn your back; all your plans never worked more than halfway.

Hurt and scars are guaranteed; happily ever after is just a myth like the movies are ficticious. Yet unlike the movies, the lull period never got cut out and being replaced by "seven years later"; you live through the darkest periods of your not quite long life, slowly counting every second, every year.

What aspect of your life am I talking about? If by now you havent quite guessed, here's the answer: your lovelife.

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