Sunday, September 03, 2006

Just some random thoughts

1. Maybe someday, we would be able to have some form of control over time. Like able to stop time for a short time, or at least slow it considerably, in a limited space. Then we would be able to have the best fridge in the world, one which doesnt need to operate with lowered temperature at all!

Anything you put in, close the door, and take out a week later, will be as fresh as the day, indeed the moment!, as you put it in. Ice cream can be stored in the same storage area as a hot cup of milo. They wouldnt have time to affect each other's temperature!

2. It is likely that there are people with telepathic abilities walking in our midst, some of them may even be our friends, those who have a special knack for holding in secrets (as unlikely that may seem).

Why then, these people can simply pick thoughts off our brains as easily as eavedropping on conversations, nah, easier! That is how cool. So I think, maybe, with the possibility of having these people around, we should all walk around thinking the following thought all the time in our brains:

Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?

Perhaps then, some telepathic person will pick that thought straight from our brains, and sensing our sincerity at the same time, volunteer to teach us how to be telepathic! That will be like how cool!

Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?
Wow you have telepathic abilities! Can you teach me pleasssee?

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