Monday, September 04, 2006

Love of

At the risk of sounding extremely nerdy, I have decided to jot this down. Some people have, over the years, expressed to me their aversion to studying, how they could not wait to graduate and step into the working world, and how much they dread tests and assignments.

Not a few, have all but said explicitly, felt curiosity, as would be upon encountering a 2 headed snake, when they know I would very much prefer to be studying rather than working, and may even be studying for 7 more years after graduating.

Some even told me, that studying is not everything. That I will realise, upon graduation, Life is more than studying, and that I should do something I really like in the course of my studies, instead of just mindlessly slogging my way through with scant regard for my personal enjoyment.

What these people seem to assume, is that studying couldnt be an end in itself; that it is merely a tool to get what we want in life, but you couldnt be happy doing it; that we needed to do something else to keep our sanity in this tests- and assignments- filled lifestyle.

While I sincerely think the above advice might be true for them, I dont really agree that it is applicable to everyone. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are a huge variety of things that a person might like.

Certainly a sense of sadness and pity (for me) would be conveyed when these people know that what I take to be enjoyment is precisely what they think we need some syrup to go down the throat with, but the opposite may be said of them: that it is sad, from my perspective, that these people are doing something they dislike immensely, yet are forced, by themselves no less, to endure.

I do not deny, however, that I dread doing tests and assignments too, or worse, the exams! But despite these, I know I love studying itself, even if I hate hitting the books as much as the next guy.

Once I do start reading though, particularly philosophy, there is a certain fire that runs through my veins, as though the words were leaping off the pages, and overwhelming my brain with rivulets of gold; concepts previously unknown to me slowly shining with a light as they flow into the existing runnels in my brain, harder ones ill-fitting until they carve out new runnels, like tributaries, all flowing into the source of knowledge.

My face would flush, my pen would start twirling to the hidden rhythm in the words, and my mind would wander in the fantasy world where concepts mingle and gave birth to newer ones. Whereupon I would break off from studying, to allow my mind to take a breather, and this is usually the time when I would blog about the newer, more interesting concepts which has nothing to do with philosophy.

There are only 2 events in the whole of my life's experience that would give me these feelings, and one of them is studying philosophy.

And now, you can officially call me a nerd huh. ;-p

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