Sunday, November 26, 2006

The courage to be wrong

Most feared is the man who seeks not to offend, who wants only to please, having no apparent voice of his own -- the deepest of all men with clay for heart.

By voicing your own mind, you in turn allow others to have their own voice; for none could disagree with someone who always agreed with them. Be afraid not to err, for we dare only speak with one who errs.

The one who fears admonition will not get it, but only because no one dare to admonish him. Only by seeking admonition, however, can one achieve communication.

No one likes to finally understand your heart, and find it but the shape of his grasp.

Because you dared not express what you really feel, others dare not express what they feel about what you really felt -- even if what you really felt is plain for all to see. Thus we only like the man who allows himself to be hated.

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