Saturday, March 04, 2006


Time really flies, usually when you are not looking, and also when you are looking intently. With a whoosh, 20 odd years went past. Another whoosh, there goes another sem. In fact it never stopped whoosing, and damn it, there goes another day, another hour, another year! (Wait, the stupid clock is spoilt.)

Funny how we think that the hard times are the slowest periods, while the happy times are the fastest to go. I remember for my childhood, thats one of the slowest periods of my life. In fact, it is from P5 to P6 that is the slowest. I hated that time, and I barely survived through it unscathed.

For other periods of my life, they largely went unnoticed. Not to say I dont remember them, but compared to the darker periods, they are almost non-existent. Secondary school and Jc just trotted away at a steady pace.

Even NS swooshed by just like that. I am not one of those guys who looked back and say "well, I hated NS, but now that I am out of it, I am grateful for the experience." I hated it back then, and I hate it even now. I would be infinitely better off if I hadnt gone NS, and what I learnt there isnt so pretty that I find myself grateful for. Those who disagree obviously hadnt injured their backs in NS.

But Uni, now thats a different story. Frankly speaking, in year 1, I was pretty much a loner. That isnt to say I hated that period: I am a loner by nature (or rather, a loner because of the P5-P6 period, but thats another story). However, things can get pretty slow, mundane and draggy if you are a loner. That's one of the reasons why I joined the Arts camp in year 2 i guess. I wanted to join in year 1 already, but couldnt, since I was still in camp. NS ruins my life ya?

After the camp, uni life whooshed past another 2 years, and hey its already the last sem for me, not counting hons year of course. Somehow, the past 3 sems time just sprinted past, even though for most of it I had 5 days week, and insane timetable.

Then the last sem (this sem), time seems to creep. School doesnt hold that much appeal to me anymore. I used to look forward to going school everyday; I hated weekends and free days, hated times when I have to go home. Now I dread going to school, day after day... Something seems to be lost already.

Well, not that I lost the studying fervour. I still love what I do. Its just... school itself.

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